Thursday, 14 November 2019

Dedh Trei Hans hag Etek

De Yowpajerdegves mis Dû
Thursday, 14th November
Pub pres ma neppeth nowydh dhe vos deskys. Nehewer my a viras ort seres pryntys ha hei ow qwil prynt a reun porth e'n mor. Hei a dhros gwask vian genjy. En kensa res veu dhedhy gwil dew blât plastek calish: an eyl gans an reun hag y gila gans an gilva (an mor). An linednow rag delinya an reun a veu gwres gen toul minek bian. Rag an mor hei a scùrryas an plastek gen tabm a baper treth. Paper rag an ymach o glebys gen dowr ha nena sehys gen padn. Hei a wòrras ynk war an platys – donek rag an reun ha glas rag an mor, derevel an re gen padn aral. Òja hebma hei a wòrras an platys war an paper, an eyl òja y gila, ha tackya anjei dredh an wask. An sewyans – pictour bian wheg.

There is always something new to be learnt. Yesterday evening I watched a print-maker as she was making a print of a harbour seal. She brought a little printing press with her. First she had to make two hard plastic plates: one with the seal and the other with the background (the sea).The lines for deliniating the seal were made with a small pointed tool. For the sea she scratched the plastic with a piece of sandpaper. Paper for the image was wetted with water then dried with a cloth. She put ink on the plates – dark brown for the seal and blue/green for the sea, lifting the excess with another cloth. After this she put the plates on the paper, one after the other, and pushed them through the press. The consequence – a nice little picture.

Deg ger rag hedhyw: Ten words for today

calish hard (cales in SWFM)
gwask (f) a press, printing press (also used for pressure)
kilva (f) background
minek pointed (you can also use lebm sharp)
nehewer yesterday evening (you may also see newer or newher)
padn a cloth
plat a plate
reun porth harbour seal, common seal
scùrrya to scratch, abrade, graze
seres (f) maker, creator < ser (m) + -es feminine ending

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