Thursday, 27 June 2019

Dedh Cans Trei Ügens hag Etek

De Yow, seythves warn ügens mis Efan
Thursday, 27th June

Jorna pur wenjek ewa hedhyw. Crev ew an gwens ha crev ew an howl ewedh. Jorna perfeth ew rag golhy lianyow gwily. Tothter an gwens ew martesen hanter cans milder an our. Ma’n lien ow whedhy avel gool e’n gwens po maylys ew adro dhe’n linen (saw segh ew). Whethys ew taclow erel ewedh. Ma del dhort an gwedh war an gwels. Me a gavas diw blüven, an eyl dû hag y gila loos. An blüven dhû ew dhort chôk, dres lycklod. (E veu teylû et agan chymbla.) Ha’n blüven loos ew dhort colobmen coos – ma nebes anodhans e’n gwedh oll adro. An chôk ew behatna es bran ha bran dre (ha bran vrâs). Da ew genam liwya edhyn. Otta bran formys avel lether “b”.

It’s a very windy day today. The wind is strong and the sun is strong as well. It’s a perfect day for washing sheets (bed linen). The speed of the wind is perhaps fifty miles per hour. The linen billows (swells) like a sail in the wind or is wrapped around the line (but it is dry). Other things are blown as well. There are leaves from the trees on the grass. I found two feathers, one black the other grey. The black feather is probably from a jackdaw. (There was a family in our chimney.) And the grey feather is from a wood pigeon – there are several of them in the trees all around. The jackdaw is smaller than a crow and a rook (and a raven). I like painting birds. Here’s a crow formed like the letter “b”. 

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