2019 Day 174
De Sül, tryja warn ügens mis Efan
Sunday, 23rd June
Hedhyw nei a gawas li en
tavern brâs reb dowrgleudh. Nag ew an dowrgleudh ledan. En termyn eus passyes
thera cokow ydn owth obery warnodho. Ma cok ydn e’n tavern – whei ell debry
etto. An perhen ew chei brihy. Ma va ow prihy
Cor Dorgy (Brogh). Ma sagh a waryow bian rag pub flogh. Ma visour dorgy, dû ha
gwydn, e’n sagh. Mester Brogh ew dhort “An Gwens e’n Helyk”. My a gommondyas
coffy – ha ottava! Nebonan a dednas brogh warnodho, e’n spoum.
Today we had lunch in
a big inn by a canal. The canal is not wide. In the past there were narrow
boats working on it. There is a narrow boat in the inn – you can eat in it. The
owner is a brewery. It brews Badger Beer. There is a bag of little games for
each child. There is a badger mask, black and white, in the bag. It is Mr.
Badger from “Wind in the Willows”. I ordered a coffee – and behold! Someone
drew a badger on it, in the foam.
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