Friday, 26 April 2019

Dedh Cans ha Whetek

De Gwener, whegh warn ügens mis Ebrel
Friday, 26th April

Nanj ew üdn vledhen poran e veu (y feu) genys flogh bian. Kensa pedn bloodh lowen dhis a vaw bian! Pur vian o va ha melyn – thew ev brassa lebmyn hag y liw ew gwell. Nag o an gewer pur dha e’n termyn na ha nag ew hei pur dha lebmyn. Gellys ew Pask ha nag eus dhen degolyow na moy. Gwag ew an treth ogastei, ha’n park kerry en pecar (kepar) maner. Nag eus bes trei den ow kerdhes troha’n mor gen aga surfbordys ha trei den moy gen keun. Nag ew da an mordardh hedhyw – nebes strolyek drefen bos mar wenjek. Ma edhyn moy e’n park kerry avel tüs war an treth. Ottobma onan (chôk) en argh, ow whilas scòbmow.   

Exactly one year ago a little child was born. Happy first birthday to you little boy! He was very little and yellow – he’s bigger now and his colour is better. The weather wasn’t very good at that time and it’s not very good now. Easter has gone and we haven’t got holidays any more. The beach is nearly empty, and the car park likewise. There are only three men walking towards the sea with their surf-boards and three more men with dogs. The surf isn’t good today – a bit messy because it’s so windy. There are more birds in the car park than men on the beach. Here’s one (a jackdaw) in a bin, looking for chips.

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