Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Dedh Cans Dogens hag Eth

De Meurth, ethves warn ügens mis Me
Tuesday, 28th May

Ottobma maw bian hir y vlew. Tho hedna nanj ew nebes seythednow, henn ew mis Ebrel. Bloodh ev ew pemp. Helghyer veu va - rag ôyow Pask. (Da ew ganjo choclat.) Bettegens, lebmyn ma whans dhodho a gawas blew berr, pecar’a y gòthmans e’n scol. Etho, kemerys veu va dhe shoppa barber ha trehys ew y vlew lebmyn. Ew hebma an keth maw? Ma favour cottha dhodho. Choclat ew da ganjo whath. Ma va ow tebry bara scrawys gen tos choclat ha gwary gwary compûter. Ownter an baby ew ev. Da ew gans y hôr bos gesyores. Bloodh hei ew seyth. Moderep an baby ew hei. Da ew gen an baby qwary ganjans an dhew.

Here’s a little boy with long hair. That was several weeks ago, i.e. April. He is 5 years old. He was a hunter - for Easter eggs. (He likes chocolate.) However, now he wants to have short hair, like his friends at school. So, he was taken to a barber’s shop and now his hair is cut. Is this the same boy? He looks older. He still likes chocolate. He is eating toast with chocolate spread and playing a computer game. He is the baby’s uncle. His sister likes to be a joker. She is 7 years old. She is the baby’s aunt. The baby likes playing with both of them.

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